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League of Women Voters of Boulder County
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy
Serving the People of Boulder County, Colorado

Healthcare Committee

Medicare Privatizations through DCEs/ REACH webin...
Linda Mahan

Privatization of Medicare is occurring in Colorado...learn what's happening and take action!

Topic: Turn up the Heat on Medicare Privations, DCEs, REACH: Protect Medicare

Webinar: Mon, May 23 at 11:00 AM MT

Sponsor: Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP)

Seniors will speak about the dangers of private equity organizations interfering with the patient-doctor relationship; Congressional Representatives will speak about what they have done, and what we should all plan to do to protect our seniors.

Invited speakers include representatives from Jane Addams Senior Caucus, the California Alliance of Retired Americans, the Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action, and the Wisconsin chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program, as well as U.S. House Reps. Pramila Jayapal, Katie Porter, Mark Pocan, and Jan Schakowsky.

Register here:

Linda Mahan

LWV Larimer County, CO

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