Voter guidance from the League of Women Voters
We Defend Your Right to Vote!
The League is dedicated to ensuring that all eligible voters— particularly those from traditionally underrepresented or underserved communities, including first-time voters, non-college youth, new citizens, minorities, the elderly and low-income Americans— have the opportunity and the information to exercise their right to vote. You can find answers to questions about the League's work on voting rights in our Voting Rights FAQ.
Can't find what you need? Send us an email.
Before an election, you may be asked to sign petitions related to prospective local or statewide ballot measures. Make an informed decision about whether to sign by reading our advice about petitions.
Petitions: Should You Sign?
Online Petitions in the City of Boulder
Why I Vote/Por Qué Voto
Our WHY I VOTE - Voices of Our Community campaign has given people an opportunity to share their thoughts on voting (or not). Our Why I Vote page displays these voices and allows you to submit your own statement and photo.
Past Elections (Archives)
Learn more about past elections including
- Pros and cons of ballot issues in Boulder County and statewide
- Election results
- League positions on the ballot issues
- Videos of candidate forums and legislators' forums.