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League of Women Voters of Boulder County
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy
Serving the People of Boulder County, Colorado
Home2024 Election Ballot Measures

2024 General Election - Tuesday November 5
Ballot Measures

We provide nonpartisan election information to help you be a more informed voter.

The LWV has two missions: 
  • Education—our nonpartisan information on the ballot proposals and their proponents and opponents, and
  • Advocacy—our positions on the ballot proposals.

We can support or oppose a proposal only if we have a position on its underlying issues. To reach a position, League members have studied the issue in depth and found areas of member consensus or agreement . LWV members reconsider these positions annually.  If we have no position that applies to a particular proposal, we take a "neutral" stance.

Ballot Measure Presentations

Want to know what experts from our league have to say about these ballot measures?  Attend or tune in to our Candidate Forums and Ballot Measure Presentations for in-person or virtual sessions.

Ballot Measures in Boulder County

City of Boulder
Ciudad de Boulder


# Subject LWVBC Position
2C    Council Pay
Remuneración a Miembros del Concejo

2D Executive Sessions  
Sesiones Ejecutivas   

Boards and Commissions Changes 
Cambios a Juntas y Comisiones


Town of Erie
Poblado de Erie

# Subject LWVBC Position
3C  Marijuana Sales
Venti de marihuana

City of Lafayette
Ciudad de Lafayette


# Subject LWVBC Position
Police Collective Bargaining Ordinance
Ordenanza sobre convenio colectivo de la policía

City of Longmont
Ciudad de Longmont


# Subject LWVBC Position
3A  Extension of City Open Space Tax
Extensión del Impuesta para Espacios Abiertos de la Ciudad 


Town of Superior
Poblado de Superior


# Subject LWVBC Position
3B Sales Tax and Bond Issue
Impuesta de Ventas y Emisión de Bonos

St. Vrain Valley School District RE-1J
Distrito Escolar de St. Vrain Valley RE-1J

# Subject LWVBC Position
 5C Bond Issue
Emisión de Bonos

Lafayette Downtown Development Authority
Autoridad de Desarrollo del Centro de Lafayette


Residents and businesses in the Lafayette Urban Renewal Authority vote on these.


# Subject LWVBC Position
6A Organization of a Downtown Development Authority 
Organización de una autoridad de desarrollo del centro (Downtown Development Authority)
6B Authorize DDA to Collect, Retain, and Expend Revenue   (follows 6A in the PDF)
Authorizar a la Autoridad de Desarrollo del Centro a Recaudar, Retener y Gastar Ingresos    (segue 6A en el PDF)

Need more information about ballot measures for communities in Boulder County?

Click on subject in English or Spanish.

• LWVBC ballot issues team: Judy Dixon (Chair), Sharon Gabel, Deborah Hayes, Linda Hultman, Peggy Leech, Pat Long, Ulla Merz, Jackie Pine, and Kate Ward.

• Spanish translation by the 
Community Language Cooperative.

Want to know where we stand on the local ballot measures?  

Our recommendations will be posted soon  . . .


Regional Transportation District Ballot Measure

Measure Subject LWVCO Position
7A TABOR Waiver

Exención de TABOR

Want to know where the League stands on 7A?  

You can read about the league's position on their web site:

LWVCO position on ballot measure 7A

Colorado Statewide Ballot Measures

Amendments and statutes referred from the Colorado General Assembly 


Measure Subject LWVCO Position
G Modify Property Tax Exemption for Veterans with Disabilities
Modificación de la exención del impuesto sobre bienes inmuebles para los veteranos discapacitados

H Judicial Discipline Procedures and Confidentiality
Procedimientos disciplinarios judiciales y confidencialidad

Constitutional Bail Exception for First Degree Murder
Excepción constitucional de fianza por asesinato en primer grado

J Repealing the Definition of Marriage in The Constitution
Derogación de la definición de matrimonio en la Constitución

K Modify Constitutional Election Deadlines
Modificar los plazos electorales constitucionales

JJ Retain Additional Sports Betting Tax Revenue
Retener los ingresos fiscales adicionales de apuestas deportivas

KK Firearms & Ammunition ExciseTax
Impuesto especial sobre armas de fuego y munición

Citizen Initiatives


Initiative Subject LWVCO Position
79 Constitutional Right to Abortion
Derecho constitucional al abort

80 Constitutional Right to School Choice
Derecho constitucional a la elección de escuela

Prohibit Bobcat, Lynx, and Mountain Lion Hunting
Prohibir la caza del gato montés, el lince y el león de montaña

128 Parole Eligibility for Crimes of Violence

Elegibilidad para la libertad condicional por delitos de violencia

129 Establishing Veterinary Professional Associate
Establecimiento de Veterinarios Profesionales Asociados

130 Funding for Law Enforcement
Financiación de las fuerzas del orden
131 Establishing All-Candidate Primary & Ranked Choice Voting General Elections
Establecimiento de elecciones primarias con todos los candidatos y elecciones generales con voto por orden de


Need more information about Colorado statewide ballot measures?


This year's ballot includes 14 statewide proposals—7 proposed amendments to the Colorado Constitution and 7 propositions to amend the Colorado Revised Statutes.

The five proposals listed by letter (G–KK) were referred to voters by the Colorado Legislature The six proposals listed by number (79–80, 127–131) were placed on the ballot by voter petitions

Voters are also asked to vote whether to RETAIN IN OFFICE our Colorado judges

You can read the ballot issue analysis and information on the judges from the Legislative Council online

   • 2024 State Ballot Information (Blue Book)

   • Folleto de información sobra la boleta (Libro azul)

Constitutional amendments are G, H, I, J, K, 79, and 80
Statutory propositions are JJ, KK, and 127 through 131

Want to know where the League stands on the statewide ballot measures?  

The League of Women Voters of Colorado  has a quick reference with stances on 2024 statewide ballot measures.


VOTE411 - Complete election information for YOU

Visit for further nonpartisan information on candidates and issues and to build your own personal Voter's Guide. Launched by the League of Women Voters Education Fund (LWVEF) in October of 2006, is a "one-stop-shop" for election-related information.

Visite para obtenir más información no partidista sobre candidatos y temas y para crear su propia Guia del Votante personal. Lanzado por el Fondo de Educación de la Liga de Mujeres Votantes (LWVEF) en octubre de 2006, es una "ventanilla única" para obtener información relacionada con les elecciones.