The Team started the year with developing a Strategic Plan. We wrote an article for each Voter and gave a brief pep talk at each member coffee to reinforce the importance of developing a culture of giving to LWVBC.
Our Fund Development portfolio continues to diversify in order that we can fulfill our budget operational commitments and maintain an operating reserve. In this way the organization can continue its mission even when encountering an unforeseen expense. For example, in 2022-23 we will need to pay two Per Member Payments to LWVCO and LWVUS, an additional $10,000, to adjust to new technology.
The Team worked on Donor Cultivation. We currently have 14 major donors giving $500 or more. Major donors (or potentials) were visited by Zoom or in person. This totaled around $14,000 with the potential for additional funds prior to June 30th. The Team recommends continuing cultivation of individual donors. Our members also continue to contribute with other generous donations; paying credit card fees, rounding up membership dues, etc. Revenues this year also included an unexpected $5,000 bequest from the Walton family, honoring a former LWVBC member.
Recurring donations from members were encouraged again this year. At the present time we have 21 generous members giving a recurring donation. Our goal is for 50 – 100 members to participate. Our Club Express software has been recently updated so that non-members can also participate on our website.
For the first time this year we marketed our Election Season Sponsorship package to local Boulder County businesses in the last few weeks before the 2021 election. We raised $1,250 from 4 donors which was an excellent first attempt! We will begin marketing these services much earlier for 2022-23 and hope to raise additional funds.
Our Shopping Programs (King Soopers, Safeway and Amazon Smile) continue to raise funds.
Foundation and LWVCO grants were written by our Operations Director and totaled $4,600. We fell short on the grants goal. This area of the budget will need new strategies and volunteers for 2022-23. Training in this area is also needed.
Events did not raise as much as in 2020 and 2021. The Team chose not to have a major event this Spring. This Spring we hope to host some House Parties to inform our community about the work of LWVBC and to raise more money. The Annual Meeting also has the potential to raise funds. For 2022-23 another major educational event is recommended.
Social Media is an area where we did little fundraising this year. There is potential here for next year and beyond.
Direct Appeal letters were mailed last summer (members and our community, ~800 – 900) and again in Nov/Dec. (members only, ~280). These efforts just broke even.
The Bulb Sales were down to 50% of what was made the previous year. Our long-time coordinator no longer has an interest in working on this project so it will be discontinued.