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League of Women Voters of Boulder County
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy
Serving the People of Boulder County, Colorado

News / Articles

For the New Year, get more involved with the League

Holly Monkman | Published on 11/27/2022

It’s that wonderful time of year with dinner gatherings, holiday traditions, special foods, twinkling lights and soon, toasts & well wishes for the New Year.  If you’re looking to make a resolution to improve your life in some way, may I suggest a resolution to get more involved with the League?  Not only will you meet new people & learn new things, you’ll be helping to empower voters & defend democracy.  Two big lessons from the mid-term election are that voters need accurate & trustworthy information and that every vote matters.


We have Issue Teams at the local level working on school policy, gun safety, climate action, voting methods and election timing.  All of these teams are reviewing & following issues in today’s news such as the implementation of ranked choice voting for Boulder’s mayor in 2023, the new county ban on sport shooting in some foothills neighborhoods and things we can all do to help the climate.  Our maybe you have an idea for a new Issue Team?  Consider that we had an Alternative Transportation Team in 1979.  I know I’m grateful for the fantastic cycling infrastructure within Boulder County. Contact me or go to LWVBC Join an Issue Team to get connected with a team or to chat about forming a new team.


Or, look into joining one of LWVCO’s Task Forces.  There are additional topics & it’s a chance to meet League members from across Colorado.  Currently there are 9 Task Forces: Alternative Voting Methods, Climate Emergency, Education, Elections, Gun Violence Prevention, Healthcare, Housing, News Access & Literacy, and Reproductive Justice.  Go to to learn more.


If advocacy & policy doesn’t sound appealing, consider helping out with event planning, fund raising or resolve to get involved with Voter Services during the election season.  Whether you enjoy getting out & meeting people, doing research or are an organizer extraordinaire LWVBC could use your help. Feel free to contact me or Susan Curtis, our Membership Director, to get started.


Do you know someone that follows current events, believes in the power of voting or would benefit from actively participating in our community?  Consider giving a gift membership then invite them to join you at one of our virtual or in-person events in 2023.  While some of us have work-out partners at the gym, consider having a democracy partner for the New Year! 


If you’d like to get more involved, but just don’t have the time this year, that’s ok.  I hope you’ll continue to be a member of the League and will keep an eye out for any Action Alerts as our state legislature swings into action in January. The League succeeds when members participate in a whole variety of ways.


So, here’s a toast to family, friends & our communities!  Enjoy the festivities & wonder of the holiday season.  Then let’s get to work to strengthen our democracy.