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League of Women Voters of Boulder County
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy
Serving the People of Boulder County, Colorado

News / Articles

Member Update: Marshall Fire Disaster Recovery & January Events

Published on 1/4/2022
Marshall Fire Disaster Recovery
LWV of Boulder County wishes to express sorrow and support for League members and other community members affected by the destructive wind and fires last week. We know that some of our members had to evacuate, others are caring for family and friends who evacuated. Some may have lost their homes. If you need assistance services of any kind, this Boulder County Office of Emergency Management PDF has information about the Disaster Assistance Center and other resources available - in English or Spanish - for anyone affected by wind damage as well as the Marshall fire.

If you need support from your League friends, please reach out to Elizabeth Crowe (, Mandy Nuku ( or Jean McGuire ( to connect.

We also know that our members are a generous bunch, ready to step in to help with the healing and recovery. If you have money, time or goods to donate, visit the Boulder County website "Donations & Volunteering" tab for guidance on how you can help.

Defending Democracy Virtual Series: Starting January 11. LWVBC and many other local Colorado Leagues are co-sponsoring and planning to participate in a great online series by LWV of Piedmont, California, to kick off a new year of dialogue and action for democracy. The "Defending Democracy" series includes presentations from FairVote, UC Berkeley and the Brookings Institute. Each of the free sessions begins at 5PM Mountain Time. Registration is required in order to receive a secure Zoom link. For more information check out the Defending Democracy Series website and register today!