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League of Women Voters of Boulder County
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy
Serving the People of Boulder County, Colorado

News / Articles

Who Would You Like to Honor with a Special Holiday Gift?

Anne Bryan | Published on 12/6/2021
At this time of year, we find ourselves thinking of friends and colleagues whom we’ve worked with, joined for League activities, learned from and – often – missed seeing during the past months.

Sometimes it’s hard to think of just the right gift to express our feelings of friendship and gratitude, but LWVBC offers a wonderful opportunity to recognize and thank friends, family and colleagues during the holidays: give a gift in honor of or in memory of someone you care for and admire.

You can make the gift by visiting our Donation Page. Once you select the fund to donate to, you’ll be able to complete your gift, including amount, payment method and options for notifying the recipient.

When your gift is received, the League will notify the honoree of the gift (without showing the amount). If the gift is in memory of someone, any family or contacts will be notified of the memorial. These gifts will also be published in the Voter to further share recognition of honorees.

I’ve just made gifts in honor of two League members who’ve been my friends and colleagues over the past four years – and it feels wonderful! I hope you will take this opportunity for holiday happiness too!