2024 LWVBC Annual Meeting
The LWVBC Annual meeting was held Saturday, May 18; Susan Saunders presided over the meeting and Louisa Young served as parliamentarian. Over 40 members attended the meeting held at Rule4.
Dr. Martin Carcasson, professor of Communications and Director of the Center for Public Deliberation was the keynote speaker and presented on the topic of “Civic Engagement through a Wicked Problems Lens.” His style was most engaging and there were many questions following his presentation. We all wanted to learn more about his research and work on how we can engage our communities to solve difficult problems together for the common good.
During the business meeting, the proposed budget for 2024-2025 was presented and adopted. One program position change to the Social Policy provision recommending the addition of “United States history and civics” to the curricula of the Boulder Valley School District and St. Vrain Valley School District was adopted. Modifications to the by-laws primarily dictated by changes made by LWVUS were in the areas of membership and dues. Other changes were grammatical in nature. All suggested changes to the by-laws were adopted.
New and continuing board members were elected. They are:
Co-Presidents: Peggy Leech and Susan Saunders
Secretary: Laura Coates
Treasurer: Molly Saunders
Fund Development: Mary Ann Wilner
Voter Services: Stacie Johnson
Membership: Susan Curtis
Youth Engagement: Cassandra Barnhart
Directors-at-Large: Martine Elianor, Keilly Leon and Pat Long
Nominating Committee: Ruth Stemler, Chair; Emma Piller and Debby Vink
Lydia Linke was awarded the Marlys Robertson Memorial Scholarship by Mr. Phil Robertson.
Merit awards were presented to:
Community Partner: Boulder County Self Sufficiency Wage Coalition represented by Ian Coggins
Team Leader of the Year: Stacie Johnson
Member of the Year: Pat Long
Team Members of the Year: Jo Porter and Martine Elianor
Emerging Leader: Joan Goddard
Gratitude: Susan Saunders
The full Annual Meeting Booklet is available here: 2024 Annual Report. Additionally, the by-laws mark up showing changes is available here: 2024 Bylaws Changes.