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League of Women Voters of Boulder County
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy
Serving the People of Boulder County, Colorado

Healthcare Committee

Reproductive Freedom Lobby Day - January 26
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Planned Parenthood is hosting their annual Reproductive Freedom Lobby Day on

Wednesday, January 26th 9-11 AM MST

This year’s event will be held virtually, to encourage participation from across the state and reduce the spread of COVID-19. You’ll hear personal stories and learn from experts and elected officials as we discuss the current state of abortion rights nationally and in Colorado. We’ll hold a lobby training and then join breakout rooms to meet directly with legislators.

RSVP by JANUARY 24th *Zoom link to follow upon registration*

RSVP by pasting this link into a browser:

We’re ready to advocate for laws that expand access to reproductive healthcare and mobilize against harmful legislation in an effort to move Colorado #BeyondTheBans.

Linda Mahan

LWV Larimer County

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