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Doing Democracy Day with the St. Vrain Valley Schools
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About this event
Doing Democracy Day
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 8:00AM-3:00PM
Volunteer as a resource or be a judge as high school students grapple with local issues.
Members will also host a League of Women Voters information table. Or just drop in to see democracy in action!
Doing Democracy Day is multi-community, multi-school event. St. Vrain Valley high school students work with local leaders and volunteers like you to address Cell Phone Bans, Affordable Housing and Homelessness, Social Media and Mental Health, Red Light Cameras, $20 Minimum Wage for St. Vrain Communities, 16 & 17 Year Old Students Voting in School Board Elections, Local History, and 250/150 Celebrations in 2026. Students finish the day by proposing solutions to a panel of local leaders serving as judges.
Two ways to volunteer:
1. Email Kent Willmann ( to sign up for the following sessions:
9:15-11:30 am......... Be a resource to a team of students as they research a topic.
12:15-3:00 pm......... Be a judge as teams present their positions on issues
2. LWVBC members, volunteer to be a host at the LWVBC Information Table! We need 2-3 volunteers to staff the table from 8am - 11:30am. (Click "Volunteer" in the upper right corner of this page.)

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